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You asked us to write about spring. I'm beginning to believe, we no longer have spring to look forward to! Winter has taken over for good, with our help and the poisonous gases we send up into the atmosphere that warm up our globe. Nature will have to take care of our formerly beautiful seasons.There is nothing right now we can do, but complain.

However, I have other serious problems to solve. The elderly or old have been told numerous times, that in order to keep a clear mind, it is important that you study and learn new topics, languages, play the piano, try your artistic talents. New brain cells will form, you will keep interested and alert.

I agreed to the fact that you should always try to learn something new, until I tried to take an art class with our Alvyn. I found myself confronted with an impossible task: “Forget all previous experience you might have had with drawing or sketching friends or family."

You are told that the new method is drawing with the right part of your brain. So far I have not figured out what this means. I am grateful that both parts of my brain work together (hopefully, for a few more years). Whatever is requested does not make sense to me as yet. A chair is placed In front of us. You are not to draw the chair as you see it, but the spaces below, above, and the surrounding walls, measuring a lot,  a charcoal  background and an eraser to show the highlights. Well, friends, I am afraid that’s about too hard for this poor right brain of mine.

I need help!!!    Anybody?

© Gerta Freeman - March 26, 2009