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Visiting art galleries and museums has always been an exciting experience for my husband and me. On our many travels, it could have been the Prado in Spain, or the Louvre in Paris. but we were just as excited  to go to the Metropolitan Museum in New York.

We usually did not walk together when we entered the various exhibits. Our methods of seeing and enjoying were quite different. He toured the hall one by one and read every description on every painting from start to finish. We never followed a guided tour.

I had the special need to stop on entering a hall and look around. Inevitably I felt a pull in a certain direction, towards a very special painting, that I simply had to watch close by and study. It was as if it spoke to me and I followed my instincts. I usually came away quite satisfied with my impressions, even if I left several paintings without closer perusal.

A few years ago, I went to the Metropolitan Museum and came across a painting of El Greco . It was a Madonna and child, surrounded by angels and shepherds. I was so fascinated by the beauty of the child and sweetness
and love expressed in the Madonna’s face, that I simply was unable to move on. I just sat there and stared for about half an hour.The colors running from blue to purple, the satin gown and lace collar were so exquisite, I could not tear my eyes away. I finally got up and left without looking left or right..

The paintings of El Greco I had seen previously had never appealed to me. The faces were elongated and seemed misshapen. I had not been aware that the artist had faulty vision. There was nothing faulty about this Madonna. I had previously seen many paintings about the birth of the Christ child, but none had ever impressed me in this fashion.

I brought you a copy of the print to see how you feel about this. I hope you will be pleased with it, as much as I was. 

© Gerta Freeman - May 31, 2009