Note: more information will be added in the next few months. |
Cicely Elizabeth passes away peacefully on the Tuesday 4th February in New York.
2014 |
Age 93 |
Moves back to New York with Robert and Cathy
Robert and Cicely board a British Airways plane to New York on July 11, 2013. Cicely was somewhat reluctant to leave her very cozy flat in Weybridge, to which she had become so accustomed, but Robert was able to persuade her it was all for the best.
2013 |
Age 92 |
2012 |
2011 |
Age 90 |
2010 |
2009 |
2008 |
Age 87 |
Grandson Luca is born
Luca was born on April 15, 2008. See more pictres of Cicely with Luca:
Here is Cicely with Luca at 3 and 1/2 months<
Cicely feeding Luca at Forest Hill
2007 |
2006 |
Martin and Tom get married
9th September, 2006 - Martin Nissim and Siraporn Sihanantavong get married in Weybridge Left to right: ?, Terry Badham, ? Priscilla Badham, James Harpur, Cicely Nissim, Martin Nissim, Siraporn 'Tom' Sihanantavong, S's father, Marian Myers Petzoldt, Merrily Harpur, John Harpur, Patrick Harpur, Danny Nissim, Avril Myers, Hans Petzoldt, Richard Myers, Tom's friends, Maureen Nissim, Robert Nissim
Moves to 8A Castleview Rd, Weybridge, Surrey |
2005 |
6th January, 2008 - At 87, Cicely loved to go for long walks by the river in Weybridge
2004 |
Robert and Cathy get married |
2003 |
Trip to England for 2 and 1/2 weeks |
2002 |
Visits Paris for 5 days
May 31 - Cicely and Martin go to Paris, and visit Cousing Jean in a retirement home, the lake in front of Beau Site, and Doreen Bo Jorgensen. Doreen was a Saffron Walden friend of Cicely's who passed away in 2003.
2001 |
Age 80 |
At 80, Cicely is still youthful and energetic
2000 |
1999 |
1998 |
September 2, 1999. Gananoque, Canada. 1000 Island Tour with Marian and Hans.
She is part of a group (as yet unidentified)
Possibly a Samaritans retreat
1997 |
1996 |
Age 75 |
1995 |
Brother John dies, age 79 and 1/2
Sister Joyce dies, age 77 |
1994 |
1993 |
1992 |
1991 |
Age 70 |
1990 |
Circa 1990. Richard Myers, John Myers, Gene Bremner, Marian Myers, Martin Nissim, Joyce Harpur, Cicely Nissim. Hysterical laughter was one of Cicely's contageous traits. This diary extract confirms it was an early habit
1936 Diary extract
1936 Diary. Cicely has just returned from the Saffron Walden school
1989 |
1988 |
1987 |
Elizabeth and Isabella start "English Together" class
In 1986, Isabella Ferrari and Elizabeth Nissim, helped by Costanza Ferrari, started and English conversation class called "English Together", where English was spoken, accompanied by tea and cakes. One of the participants, Filippo Culcasi, started a magazine written in English, full of useful information, interesting anecdotes and good humor. You can view the 10th Anniversary edition here:
Page 1
Page 2
Page 3
Page 4
"English Together" Conversation Class - Ela Dragone, Cicely, Isabella Ferrari, Fernanda
1986 |
Age 65 |
1985 |
1985 - Cicely at Via Dehon with her beloved view of Saint Peter's dome in the background
1984 |
Elizabeth joins the Rome Samaritans
Elizabeth joined the Samaritans in the early 1980s, and was caring and supportive of both the callers and the fellow volunteers. Some of her colleagues were Marguerite Walters (co-founder ) Jill Cucco, Caroline Montaldi, Isabelle Patterson, Maggie Rizzo, Angela Saldanha, Gabrielle, Eddie.
1983 |
Elizabeth speaks in Church
For many years, Cicely was a member of the Ponte Sant'Angelo Church in Rome, and made many friends there, including Lili Pallini, Jenny Smith, Anne Chaplin, Cyril Groom, Jonna Detweiler, and Sonia Carrozzo. In June 1983 she was asked to do the readings during the service. Here is a copy of the program with her personal comment on the back!
June 12, 1983 - Sunday Service at Ponte Sant'Angelo Church
June 12, 1983 - Sunday Service at Ponte Sant'Angelo Church
1982 |
Age 60 |
1981 |
1980 |
1979 |
Age 58 |
1979 - Cicely with Renzo in the background
1979 - Cicely examines a photo in the salone of Via Dehon
1979 - Cicely and Ninetta Juker at Ninetta's summer house in Lavinio. See more photos:
1979 - Lavinio - Cicely, Jane Badham, Martin, Brandy (dog), Lucy Badham
1979 - Lavinio - Cicely, Lucy, Jane, Marian, Martin
1979 - Lavinio - Cicely, Lucy, Jane, Brandy (dog) and Ninetta's dachshund
1979 - Lavinio - Martin, Marian, Jane, Lucy, Cicely
1979 - Lavinio - Martin, Jane, Lucy, Brandy (dog)
1979 - Lavinio - Marian, Jane, Martin, Cicely, Lucy
1979 - Lavinio - Cicely, Robert, Martin
1978 |
1977 |
1976 |
1975 |
1974 |
Age 53 |
Mother dies, age 78 and 1/2 |
Cicely and Maggie go for a tour of Israel with the Harry Edwards group
May 1973. Maggie and Cicely visit Israel
May 1973. Maggie and Cicely visit Israel
1973 |
1972 |
1971 |
Age 50 |
1970 |
1969 |
Spends Christmas in Weybridge, Surrey
From left to right, top to bottom: Patrick Harpur, Merrily Harpur, James Harpur, John Harpur, Brian Harpur, Jack Myers, Joyce Harpur, Vera Myers, Richard Myers, Marian Myers, Maggie Myers, Cicely Nissim, Martin Nissim, Violet Reeve, Robert Nissim
Moves to Via del Casale di San Pio V, 12
Lives for 6 months in England
Short holiday with Robert and Martin in Lyme Regis and other members of the family
1968 |
1967 |
1966 |
Second son is born on 13 October 1965
Cicely feeding John Martin in Via Cardinal Pacca 25, Rome
1965 |
Age 44 |
1964 |
Moves to Via Cardinal Pacca, 25 |
1963 |
1962 |
1961 |
Age 40 |
Visits Isabella Ferrari at Stone Harbor
1960 |
Elizabeth travels to New York in March
Elizabeth arrives in New York on March 2, 1960.
1959 |
First son is born on May 7, 1958 |
1958 |
1959 - Italy
Elizabeth travels to England in August
Elizabeth travels on the S.S. Queen Elizabeth on August 17, 1957, to Southampton, and stays in Datchet. On October 24, she travels to Italy by train, with Renzo.
Note written on ship on August 17, 1957
Note written on ship on August 17, 1957
1957 |
January 1957 - Entertaining at 214 Central Park South. From left to right: Elizabeth, unidentified, Eva Ezri, Simone Ezri, Renzo. Notice the coffee cups:
The Royal Worcester coffee cups with silver holders were eventually given to the Oxfam shop in Weybridge in June 2013.
January 1957 - Entertaining at 214 Central Park South. From left to right: unidentified, Elizabeth, Eva Ezri, Simone Ezri.
1956 |
Age 35 |
Renzo and Elizabeth on their wedding day. More wedding photos:
Renzo and Elizabeth cut the cake!
Giorgio Tagliacozzo, Elizabeth, John Grothe, Renzo, Piero Milano
Elizabeth & Renzo toasting each other
Elizabeth, Isabel & John Grothe, Dick Chapman, Carla
Unidentified, Carla, Dick Chapman
Renzo, Elizabeth, Dick Chapman, Carla, Jean Ripley
Elizabeth, Dick Chapman, Unidentified, Carla
Elizabeth cutting cake, with Carla in the background
1956 - Renzo and Elizabeth on their honeymoon at Varadero Beach, Cuba. More honeymoon photos:
1956 - Elizabeth in Cuba
1956 - Elizabeth and Renzo in Cuba
1956 - Elizabeth in Cuba
1956 - Elizabeth in Cuba
1956 - Elizabeth in Cuba
Elizabeth Travels to New York in October
Elizabeth travels to New York with Renzo on the Queen Mary, arriving on October 30, 1956.
Elizabeth Travels to Southampton in September
Elizabeth travels to England some time in in September 1956, then travels to Rome on Sept 30. She leaves Italy on Oct 22, 1956
Marries Renzo Nissim on Feb 5, 1956
On February 5, 1956, Cicely and Renzo got married at the home of John and Isabel Grothe, who were old friends from Le Vesinet. Renzo had no desire for a church wedding, and he liked the idea of a civil wedding at the Grothe's. Their home was in Weston, Connecticut, and this was John's very first civil union as Justice of the Peace. The guests were Piero Milano & Giorgio Tagliacozzo (old friends of Renzo), Jean Ripley (a colleague from the doctor's office where Cicely worked) and Richard Chapman (Renzo's friend and neighbor) with his girlfriend Carla.
Maggie visits Elizabeth in New York
1955 - Maggie visits Cicely in New York. See more photos:
1955 - Maggie visits Cicely in New York. Here she is standing outside Renzo's flat at 214 Central Park South
1955 - Maggie visits Cicely in New York. Here she is standing outside Renzo's flat at 214 Central Park South
This is what the view from 214 Central park South looks like in 2013
1955 |
1954 |
Cicely looking glamorous!
May 1955. Angela Tella's father, Cicely, and Vittorio Coiro
Cicely on riding expedition in Ireland - July 1953
1953 |
1952 |
1951 |
Age 30 |
Works at
Danvers State Hospital,
Danvers State Hospital, circa 1893
Danvers, Massachusetts She resides at 6, Newport Rd, Cambridge, Massachusetts
This address was on a letter containing a "Voice-O-Graph", which was a small metal record about 6 inches in diameter, containing arecorded message from the sender. The postmark is 1950.
Cicely's first visit to New York City
Sunday, March 5th, 1950. Cicely's first visit to to The Big Apple. See back of postcard:
Works at
Westport Sanatorium,
The sanatorium was the 2nd use for the majestic building on the corner of the Post Road and North Compo. Built in 1853 for Richard and Mary Fitch Winslow, its original name was Compo House.
Today, of course, nothing remains of Compo House or the Sanatorium — except asphalt paths. You can see them as part of the 32-acre property, which today we call Winslow Park.
Connecticut |
1949 |
Leaves for Boston, USA. She is now known as Elizabeth
Stays with John and Isabel Grothe at Kettle Creek Road, Weston, Connecticut |
1948 |
Age 27 |
1948, shortly before Cicely leaves for the USA. Left to right: Brian Harpur, Cicely Myers, John Myers, Marian Myers, Joyce Harpur, Merrily Harpur, Maggie Myers
1948, shortly before Cicely leaves for the USA. Left to right: Joyce Harpur, John Myers, Cicely Myers, Marian Myers, Maggie Myers
1947 |
Completion of training as Registered Mental Nurse (26 July, 1946) |
1946 |
1945 |
Psychiatric Nursing training at
The Retreat
The Retreat - main driveway, circa 2009.
(York) for 2 years
After the War, Cicely's mother asked her if she wanted to be a doctor, and take up medicine, and Cicely said definitely not, she didn't want to dwell on illness, but on health, and wanted to transmit this message to sick people. She wanted to be a spiritual healer, much like a Christian Scientist. Because of her belief that mental attitude was a very important part of health, she took up psychiatric training for 2 years in a place called The Retreat, in York (Yorkshire), founded by the Quakers. In that period, there was a transition from confinement to medication in these hospitals for the mentally ill, and the Quaker Hospitals pioneered the new methods. Cicely used to take the patients for walks in the gardens. However, she still had to assist many patients receiving electroshock.
This training proved to be a harrowing experience for Cicely. She became far too attached to the patients, and the emotional strain of dealing with mental illeness made her lose weight, and when she returned home in 1946 she was skin and bones and a nervous wreck! Her mother was very distressed and nursed her back to health.
Manages Maggie's small guest house in Windsor (4-5 months) |
1944 |
Works as 2nd Matron in girl's boarding school in Welshpool, Wales, for 1 term |
1943 |
1942 |
1941 |
Age 20 |
Father dies, age 62 and 1/2 |
General Nursing training at
King Edward VII Hospital,
King Edward VII hospital, circa 1915.
Windsor, for 3 years. |
1940 |
Battle of Dunkirk
Edward Dixie was killed in Dunkirk. He was 22, and tall, handsome and dark haired, and Cicely's first sweetheart around 1939. They held hands at a movie once. He gave Cicely her first watch and a necklace.
Cicely as a young nurse
1939 |
Edward VIII abdicates (11 Dec.)
King George V dies (20 Jan.) |
Works as a "land girl" in Cornwall
Goes to Mrs. Harris's Finishing School in Switzerland
Left to right: Pat, Ellen, Connie, Tordis, Mechteld, Patsy, Anne, Cicely, Merry, Ursula. See more pictures in Switzerland:
Villa Rosemary, Geneva, Switzerland, where the "finishing school" school was located
Spring 1939. Monique, Tordis and Cicely.
In her photo album, Cicely describes the natural surroundings as "Just Heaven on Earth"
Left to right: Stella, Ursy, Tordis, Cicely, Pat Deane and Patsy, with Rigolet, the professional tennis player
Picknicking in the boiling sun!
Connie, Cicely and Ellen
Taken at the same archway at Monnetier, half way up the Seleve during last fortnight
Cicely ice skating
After going to Windsor State School, Cicely was persuaded to go to Mrs. Harris's "finishing school" in Switzerland. She arrived there in November 1938. There she learned some German, and the desire to perfect her German has remained all her life.
In Paris, Maggie had met a certain Mrs. Harris by chance, and Mrs. Harris had spoken enthusiastically about starting a "finishing school". Then Cicely got in touch with Mrs. Iuell, who decided to send Tordis Iuell there as well. Cicely used to go jogging when she was there. There, Cicely met Connie and Ellen Bang.
It turned out to be a wonderful experience, where Cicely made new friends and was awakened to the stunning beauty of the mountains.
The family moves to a new house in Datchet called Bryntirion
View of the house before additions were made. Joseph Myers can be seen leaning against the conservatory.
Bryntirion after the conservatory and balcony were removed
1938 |
Age 17 |
Cicely age 17. More photos
Cicely age 17
Cicely age 17. Punting on the river in Datchet with father Joseph.
Takes up horse riding, encouraged by Auntie Evie
These were the questions of a horse maintenance exam in the 1930s
1937 |
Age 16 |
Cicely, possibly on Auntie Evie's horse Betty
Goes to Windsor County Girl's School.
Windsor County Girl's School. Cicely is 4th from the left, next to her sister Joyce.
Cicely went to Windsor County Girl's School in Windsor for 1 year, which she hated, because it was so different to what she was used to in France. She told her parents she wanted to leave school, and they were very understanding. Says Cicely: "I wasn't academic, I didn't want to go to university. I stopped school at 15". She then went to a riding school and learned to ride, and did horse riding for Auntie Evie, giving her horse Betty exercise. She remembers hiring a horse for an hour and riding around Windsor Park "like the Queen".
1936 |
Age 15 |
The Myers family moves from Paris to Datchet, to a home called
Three Ways.
Three Ways, The Hight Street, Datchet (1935). Maggie Myers standing at front gate.
Goes to Quaker Boarding School called
The Friend's School
The Friend's School, in Saffron Walden
in Saffron Walden for 1 term.
1935 |
Age 14 |
1934 |
Attends Cours Janet, a private school in Le Vesinet, with her sister Joyce
Cours Janet, Le Vesinet, France. Cicely is middle row, 3rd from left, Joyce is 7th from left with Mary Excelby on her right
1933 |
Margaret Bremner marries Renee Boucher
Margaret Bremner is holding on to her father's arm (Maxted Bremner)
Cicely, Jean, Ellen, Joyce, Marian, Unidentified
Home schooling with
Mme. Suzanne Caesar Fleury.
Mme. Suzanne Caesar Fleury, mother of Simone Fleury.
Suzanne Fleury, born Suzanne Caesar, was a half German divorcee who ran a little school in her home in Rue de la Fontaine, Le Vesinet. She had two daughters, Simone Fleury and Marguerite "Magitte" Fleury. When Cicely overgrew her strength, and was possibly overburdened by the public school, Maggie arranged for Mme. Fleury to give her private lessons, and she was put in a 2-pupil class consisting of Cicely and Simone, with Mme. Fleury as teacher. They studied French, Maths, and Grammar, and became best friends.
Sadly, Simone suffered from TB, and when she had her second child she succumbed to TB about 2 years later. She was in her 20s. Not much is known about her partner.
Simone Fleury is wearing the black blouse. Cicely on far right.
Simone Fleury is wearing the black blouse. Cicely on far right.
1932 |
Attends Ecole Comunale, Le Vesinet
Ecole Comunale, Le Vesinet, France. Cicely is first row, 1st from left
1931 |
Age 10 |
Participates in a show organized by Mrs. Lumbert
Circa 1930. Cicely is on the far right, and Joyce is 4 to her right. Notice Joseph Myers in the background!
Mrs. Lumbert was a busy-body English woman who organized summer festivals and Christmas dance shows with the children in Le Vesinet. She was like the "queen" of Le Vesinet.
1930 |
Move to Beau Site, 33 Boulevard des Etats-Unis
Bueau Site, circa 1928. Joseph, Joyce, Marian and Cicely can be seen sitting on the steps
1929 |
Eric Bremner and Gladys Cuthbertson get married
Villa Beau Site, July 1929. Cicely, front row, is a bridesmaid. Mary Exelby (another bridesmaid) on her right.
Eric and Gladys Wedding, Villa Beau Site, July 1929.
Top Row, left to right: ? Joseph Myers, Ellen, Lena, Eric, Gladys, Uncle Dick, ?, ?, Gene, ?, ? Bottom row, left to right: Auntie Beatrice, Mary Exelby, Cicely, Maggie with Marian, Mrs. Cuthbertson, Joyce, Eric.
1928 |
1927 |
1926 |
Attends Gladys Cuthbertson's nursery school |
1925 |
1924 |
1923 |
James Bremner, Maggie's father, dies |
1922 |
Cicely, less than 1 year old
Cicely, less than 1 year old
Cicely Elizabeth Myers
No one quite knows why she was called Cicely, except that it's the name of a herb called 'sweet cicely', and that there was an actress/singer/comedienne called Cicely Courtnedge that she remembers from her youth. Maggie called Cicely "Cicels", and her siblings called her "Cis".
is born at 76, Avenue Gallieni
76, Avenue Gallieni, Le Vesinet, circa 1916.
76, Avenue Gallieni, Le Vesinet, circa 1916. Maggie sitting near front door.
76 Avenue Gallieni, circa 1916. Maggie holding first-born John Myers
76, Avenue Gallieni, Le Vesinet, 1928. Cicely, Marian and Joyce in the back garden. The path led to the back garden of Maxted's house in Rue Pasteur. See
aerial view.
Le Vesinet, 2012
, Le Vesinet, Paris (previously called Avenue du Chemin de Fer), from Joseph Myers
Joseph Myers - Born: 11 December, 1878 in Leeds, Yorkshire. Died: 18 June, 1941 at Falmouth, Cornwall, age 62 and 1/2. Photo circa July 1932
and Maggie Bremner
Maggie Bremner - Born: 6 August, 1895 at Colombes, nr. Paris. Died: 28 March, 1974 in Weybridge, Surrey, age 78 and 1/2. Photo circa 1945
9 February 1921 |
Age 0 |
1920 |
Maggies's mother, Helena Reeve, dies |
Nissim Family Tree |